President: Tadeusz Królczyk
Vice President: Katarzyna Odrzywołek
Secretary: Olga Danek
Revision Committee:
Ewelina Olaszek
Monika Biesaga
Ewa Dyngosz
Program Board:
Tadeusz Królczyk
Ewelina Malik
Agata Mucha
Anka Dawidowicz
Magdalena Arabas
Aleksandra Kalisz

Other than being a part of the Mifgash Foundation, many team members take part in activities that aide the preservation of history and culture of Jewish, Roma and other ethnicities traditions. Thanks to the diverse group educators that make up Mifgash, it allows a vast range of topics to be taught, yet all still striving together for the common goals expanding the minds of students. Not only to the students learn from the educators but the it is growth for the educator as well. We remain at the disposal of all teachers of junior high schools, high schools and technicians. We always provide advice and meet the expectations of students and teachers.